Elbow pain

A client presented in clinic, a therapist themselves, having seen 60 clients that week in preparation for them going on holiday 😳
They were having pain around the lateral portion of their elbow, had started dropping things and being clumsy with the right hand.
There were two elements to this. Firstly an old scar from a burn they received whilst sailing, which was causing their long head of triceps to become dysfunctional, and secondly the muscles of their hypothenar eminence we dysfunctional and wasted. In order to get a similar movement pattern to the opponens, the supinator was working overtime. Normalising the function across these areas meant the pain disappeared, and they were able to regain normal function of their hand, grip and arm.

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Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.  2018 08 13

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