
Homework is an integral part of your ongoing treatment. Whilst we may be lucky enough to achieve pain relief, an increased range of motion etcetera in session, generally speaking chronic issues need more than an hour in clinic, often involving layers of compensation which need to be peeled back like the layers of an onion.

Because the way we work in clinic is neural as well as physical. We are looking to rewrite / correct motor control patterns to ensure they are fully optimised.
It’s really important therefore for the motor control system, our nervous system and our muscles to become reacquainted, feel and solidify our new way of moving. Homework (and an avoidance of the old habits and movements which caused the issues in the first place) helps us achieve this, whilst providing an opportunity to actively participate in your recovery.

I’ve written a few handy hints to run over when doing your homework here 👉

One of the most important factors however, is a clear mind (and I often say to clients, if your mind isn’t focused on your homework, sometimes it’s best to skip it).
The limbic system (fight, flight or freeze response) rules the motor control system, meaning emotional periods, times of high stress or worry, or generalised distraction will impact on the quality of your homework.
A laser like focus on what you’re doing, how and why you’re doing it, being present in the moment and interacting directly with your body is the key to an efficient and effective homework session.

This article covers it in a bit more detail.

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