Listen to your body

I have a few clients who are runners. Some have been runners for years, others are just starting out or getting back into it. They use all manner of training apps and guides to get them to where they want to be – some are clearly better than others – but whatever your app etc is telling you, above all listen to your body.

A client came in after going for a 75 minute ‘steady state’ run, that was their set target, and they were feeling pretty good when their time had elapsed having covered around 7 miles. They hadn’t made it home yet, so decided to push on and see if they could get to 10 miles.
They finished the run, which they were pretty chuffed about, but had a few little niggles as a result.

We had a look at an area of discomfort they highlighted, and found a dysfunctional relationship in their big toe flexors / extensors. This in turn was causing problems in their entire anterior chain – literally from their neck down to their toe.
We released their extensor hallucis longus, activated their flexor hallucis longus, posterior section of their adductor magnus and the sternal portion of pectoralis major.
Bingo! Everything back online and working as it should do.
There’s homework to be done, but as long as they listen to their body – and don’t override what it’s telling them, they should have many more happy miles of running ahead of them.

Image credit Pexels free

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