Sea swimming

I had a sea swimmer come and see me this weekend, they’ve been suffering with their shoulders, particularly the right. Their kick had gone a little screwy and their bite (teeth coming together) wasn’t right.
RoM for the shoulders was restricted when moving overhead.
No major traumas to speak of, and none of the other “go to’s” to help out either.

We explored what the last couple of weeks had been like for them, and whilst we were chatting I noticed their shoulders were rising. I followed the line of enquiry, which turned out to be family related > stress!!!

Moving to the couch we started testing. The upper traps were fine, but their right splenius capitis had checked out completely!
So had their Psoas, Pec sternal, adductors, rectus abdominus (6 pack muscle) and scalenes, all on the right hand side.

Whilst working we discussed (they talked I listened) a little further what was going on, and as we did so they were figuring stuff out. We released the Splenius capitis, and everything else came on line.
RoM in the shoulders was restored, pain free, the teeth were meeting again, but we’ll have to wait until they’re in the water before we find out if it solved their screwy kick as well.

Amazing what providing yourself with a little space to work things through, and a little help muscularly can do.

Image credit Pexels free

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