Twisted sister

After attending a conference in London a client presented with restricted neck mobility, looking to the side and down was very restricted and looking up wasn’t great either, lugging a brick of a laptop with its failing battery probably didn’t help much either.
After rushing across London and arriving late they didn’t want to make too much of a fuss when they settled in. Instead of turning to face the screen, they rotated for most of the day.

After a quick assessment we found spinal torsion from the base of the skull all the way to the sacrum. As a protective mechanism to stabilise the spine it’s amazing, effectively the spine screws itself down to stop any damage. If this isn’t corrected when it’s no longer needed, it can lead to chronic problems late down the line.
Releasing their left pectoralis minor resolved the whole torsion, they not only felt significantly better they were able to move their neck properly too.

Computers can be incredibly useful for keeping people productive when on the move. They should however be suitable and appropriate for both the individual and the task at hand.
Swift treatment with issues like this is essential to prevent an extended rehabilitation period.

Homework (and an avoidance of sitting with poor postures which caused the issues in the first place) helps your nervous system and your muscles to become reacquainted, feel and solidify the new way of moving, whilst providing an opportunity to actively participate in your recovery.

Image credit Pexels free

Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.

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