Rehab is a gradual process, checking for issues before progressing to the next level no matter what you used to be able to do.
Just a few years ago I was able to cycle 300km in under 10.5 hours.
Today I managed 3x 15 minute stints on an indoor bike, before knowing it was time to call it a day.
I did my homework, and practiced my breathing drills in supine and quadruped before I started. I repeated this after each 15 minutes set and I limited my self to nasal breathing only whilst cycling.
At the third set I wasn’t able to complete the post cycle breathing drill optimally and without compensations creeping in.
Whilst mentally and seemingly physically I could have continued for much longer, neurologically it was time to stop.
Knowing when to stop and rest / recover is just as important as the will and drive to get you back to fitness.
Doing so within your neural, physical and psychological limits is key for steady and true recovery, no matter what your end goal is.
Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.