Abdominal scars

I work with a lot of people who have had abdominal surgery. Most common are scars from appendix, gall bladder, caesarean or hysterectomy procedures.

Some people come to me because the scar(s) are red, raised, tight or uncomfortable.
Some, however come to me because they have chronic back / hip pain, or because theyโ€™re experienced a weak core. The treatment is similar in both cases – working on the fascial distortions created by breaching the skin, and the subsequent healing is fundamental in unravelling the compensatory neurological response. Once cleared, work on any remaining adhesions will be significantly more effective.

Want to talk about your scars / aches and pains? Please share with anyone that might need some scar / back work ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

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Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better. 2018 08 19

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