Can brain dominance influence movement?

The brain is both amazing and complex in equal measure.
I’ve written a fair amount about how the motor control centre is integral to movement patterns, and how functional and dysfunctional patterns get stored and used.

Sometimes, however, there is a simpler explanation for someone’s postural issues. Simple left or right sided brain dominance can affect a persons posture. It’s something I keep an eye out for, because sometimes it’s transient, others it can be the root cause of why they’ve come to see me.

🧠 The right brain is typically involved in creative functions such as dance, music or art; all free form, and without structure.
🧠 The left brain is normally involved in more logical or analytical thinking such as maths or giving directions (using road names, not landmarks).

Simply getting them to utilise the less dominant side of their brain, may provide the correctives they need in addressing their postural issues.

The brain craves balance in so many different ways 🏋🏻‍♂️🧘🏻‍♂️🕺🏻👨🏻‍🎓

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