Can we take a moment …

Hi 👋 how are you doing today?

Can we take a moment, not later because it never comes, but now, just a few minutes, just for you 😊

Find somewhere you can sit, lay or even stand comfortably.
Somewhere safe where you block out your distractions.
Focus on your breath, the rise and fall of your diaphragm, the slightly cooler air coming in, the slightly warmer air leaving.
Fully relax your belly. Let it hang.
Concentrate on breathing in through the nose, push the air right down to your lower belly (pubic bone), feel it expand in all directions.
Prolong the exhale. Pretending to blow bubbles can help with this (let you imagination go).
Now bring your attention to the pace of your breath.
Slow it down.
Make it silent.
Try to make it so the air on your nose isn’t moving any of the nostrils hairs.
Take a moment to enjoy the calm.

Does it feel good? Or a little awkward? Despite breathing an average of 23,000 times a day, it’s surprising how many of us struggle to perform this essential task well.
Our breath is a reflection of our nervous system health. If it’s painful, uncomfortable or awkward, there’s something going on which needs addressing. Our breath, each and every one of them, affects out pelvic health, spinal health and stability, organ health, our circulation systems, and so much more.
It’s important to do it right, and to do it well. It’s essential rehab. Neck long, chin tucked, breathe ❤️

Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.
2019 10 13

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