TX – Low Back Pain

Sciatica ?

| TX - Low Back Pain

We’ve talked about sciatica before, but this week has been a very sciaticy kind of a week! True sciatica is felt in the lower limb. Pseudo sciatica is felt in the buttock and / or thigh. Lumbar rediculopathy originates from the back and works through the butt and down. Theres a big difference in treatment…

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Episiotomy scars

| TX - Low Back Pain, TX - Pelvic Floor, TX - Scars

Episiotomy – a surgical cut made at the opening of the posterior vagina down into the perineum during childbirth, to aid a difficult delivery and prevent rupture of tissues 😷 These procedures are becoming more and more frequent, unfortunately because people’s intrinsic core, breathing patterns and pelvic floors aren’t ready before they get pregnant –…

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Disc herniation

| TX - Low Back Pain, TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

Ever wondered why discs herniate, ‘causing’ the spine to compress, often impinging nerves??? For some, it’s a stability strategy where the central muscles of the abdomen and / or low back do not function well or at all. Over time that dysfunctional strategy diminishes the intradiskal space. To resolve this, we need to reverse this…

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