Could your hip niggles and neck pain be coming from a toe you fractured years ago

Could your hip niggles and neck pain be coming from a toe you fractured years ago? You betchya!

The client presented with discomfort in the toe when the dorsal surface of the foot (top) was on the floor during their Pilates class. They also had issues standing on one leg, which would cause pain around their sacral region and a peculiar snapping sensation as they went into rotation. Lastly they had neck ache, the kind which sits at the base of the skull and eats away at you.
After a series of tests we found a great deal of the muscles tested were not responding optimally. Using therapy localisation we were able to trace these dysfunctions back to the third toe on the left foot.
A three point correction of the scaring on the periosteum (no external scarring visible), reactivation of the necessary muscles and things have improved. Iā€™m waiting on an update after the next Pilates class, but if they do their homework, it should be a very different experience. šŸ‘

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