Emergency call out service

It’s never nice when you have an old client call you up in pain.
Did you know I provide an ‘emergency’ call out service for existing clients? 🚑

There are no blue lights, and I don’t provide a 7 minute response time, but if things are so bad you need to see me before my next clinic session, that can usually be arranged.

I had one such call today. Their back had gone, pain was located around L4, they’d been sent home from work, and were desperate to find some relief as they couldn’t stand up straight or get comfortable in any position when sitting or laying down.
We ruled out severe neurological trauma and other red flags, then got to work. The pelvic ligaments were assessed for dysfunction. After sorting a couple of pesky iliolumbar ligaments (released the right and activated the left), and working on a corrective breathing drill, they were feeling much less distressed, and had a coping strategy for if things got a little worse after the drive home etc.

There’s much more that needs to be done, but it was heartening when I received a message this afternoon to let me know they’re doing much better, and they’re looking forward to Saturday (next appt) 😊👍🏻

Sometimes it’s best not to wait ⏳

Image credit erikdalton

Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.

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