Help with skiing

Skiing is an amazing sport, and recreational activity. Many of my clients enjoy nothing more than hitting the slopes at this time of the year. ⛷🏂
Things aren’t always so great when they come back however. 🤕
There are the usual mishaps that happen, normally involving thumbs and bums, but one of the less frequent injuries (compensations, to be more precise) is spinal compression, resulting in fairly diffuse or hard to pin point back ache.

When your core struggles to provide stability, it finds ‘something else’ to provide that stability for you (because you want to keep skiing). Given the nature of the sport, and the spines involvement in the core, its not surprising to find lumbar spinal compression is a compensation experienced by skiers who’s core was less than optimised before they started their holiday. Rotations and torsions also make an appearance, but that’s for another day 😉

Thankfully we can test, and resolve these issues in clinic. 👨🏻‍🎓
Homework is almost guaranteed when you’ve been skiing for a whole week, but the relief and ability to breath after treatment is visible. 🤩🧠💪👍

Image credit Pexels free

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