Back, Neck or Groin Pain? It could be your C section!

Have you had a C Section? Are you considering a C Section?
You need to read this πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Scarring is a normal biological process, and although the replacement tissue that forms the scar differs from the original tissue, normal healthy scarring is intended to restore, or, preserve tissue integrity and function.
However, if any aspect of the process is faulty or mismanaged, pain and dysfunction can occur.

Fascia is a thin, tough, elastic type of connective tissue which forms fibrous layers in a continuous spiders web from head to toe. It surrounds muscles, groups of muscles, blood vessels, organs, and nerves. Fascia also acts as the skeletal system of the nervous system. Cutting into the tissues of the body affects the fascial tissues, which in turn affect the sensorimotor system. The resultant fascial distortions cause problems either in the local area associated with the alteration, or, in contrast, in a distal area not capable of adapting to the new inputs (stresses on the system).

I see and treat a lot of scars in clinic, roughly 50% of these are Caesarian related. Not many attend with C section issues specifically (angry, lumpy, altered sensations), although these are also treated πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
More often than not, most people are wholly unaware their current issues – pain, restricted range of motion etc – can be attributed to the compensations they developed following their C section, even if that happened decades ago.
As I say in clinic πŸ‘‰ there is no expiration date on scars!

Clients often present with back, neck, groin pain, or issues with specific movements and postures, predominantly linked to an inability to build and maintain intra abdominal pressure. Understanding and addressing the neurological cause of these issues is crucial, before dealing with the symptoms, even if that is what brings you to clinic in the first place.
Even if you’re super fit and healthy, don’t equate strength with correct neurological function.

Combining neurological, advanced myofascial and ScoliMethod techniques in a gentle, yet highly effective manner, we can usually improve the look and feel of the tissue, as well as improving the functionality of the scar and any affected fascia / muscles.

Not all scars cause neurological issues, not all scars are angry in appearance or immobile, but if you’re not happy with the look of your scar, or you’ve been suffering some pain, or movement issues since being pregnant, give me a shout 🧠πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŽ“

If you are considering a C section (non emergency) watch out for my future post πŸ”

#FitNash #FitNashSpecialistBodyPractice #Rehab #Scars #ScarWork #ScoliMethod #ACFRP #CSection #Caesarean #Cesarean #Pregnancy #Surgery #Recovery #WomansHealth #ObGyn #BirthComplications #NewMum #Wellbeing #EmotionalBirthStory #NeuroScience

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