How balanced is your brain use?

Ever since I took the Scoliosis correction course – ScoliMethod by Jackie Wu – almost a year ago, I have been very conscious of the usage imbalance between my left and right brain hemispheres, and the effect it has on my posture.
One of the more out there things I’ve covered on this page, I know, but absolutely demonstrable.

Typically the right side of the brain is involved in creative functions such as dance / music / art (free form, without structure).
The left side of the brain is involved in more logical or analytical thinking such as maths / directions (using road names and not landmarks).

A lateral flexion bias in my cervical region is directly attributable to a left brain preference. In order to correct this I need to focus more on right brain activities. Most of these don’t appeal as they’re way outside my comfort zone, and if I do try them, I end up making them left brain dominant (structured steps with dancing, copying notes and words when singing etc) but my son recently started to learn how to write. Whilst this is fairly structured (so within my safety zone) it has been demonstrated that cursive writing taps into our creative side, rather than print which is more logic driven. So here’s today’s attempt at cursive writing 👶
Thank you to Joyce Ralum Lo for the inspiration ❤️

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