How testing informs the process

Balance is never more important than in an elderly or frail population, where a fall could mean a broken hip, and months of recovery thereafter.

One of the first things we do with any new client, and throughout their treatment is evaluate their stability with a single leg stance and perturbation test. These tests challenge an individuals balance and provides a wealth of information on how the different parts of the body are working with one another, as well as where we might need to start looking to resolve things.

Oftentimes we will find a few of these global dysfunctions which sit on top of the primary dysfunction which is the true cause of their problems, so getting them cleared up quickly is key to a short treatment programme with effective and lasting results.

This is followed up with homework (and an avoidance of the old habits and movements which caused the issues in the first place) to help your nervous system and your muscles become reacquainted, feel and solidify the new way of moving, whilst providing an opportunity to actively participate in your recovery.

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Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.
2018 12 07

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