Ingenuity is a prerequisite

Sometimes you have to get creative!

One of my clients was having trouble sitting on their horse, their left sit bone was taking all the weight, which meant the horse was bringing its rear end round when walking.
On assessment they were pretty twisted throughout their spine.
When I asked how she corrected the horse, she described her actions, but they didn’t mean much to me (I don’t ride and certainly don’t event horses!).
Without a horse or a saddle in clinic, I needed to improvise to see if we could get the same kind of seated pattern. Behold, the towel bolster combo off the corner of a couch. Apparently a pretty good facsimile πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ»
She then showed me the movement to correct her sit bones (and therefore the horse walk straight). Twisting over to the right, with rotation at the same time. Effectively placing themselves into a heavily scoliotic position sorted their riding 😳😱

So we got to work. We found a fascinating interplay between their diaphragm, pelvic floor muscles and a very specific point on the conjoint tendon (lower right abdomen).

There’s still a little work to do. You can see from the picture, taken at the end of the session, there still a slight right bend, but the lumbar spine and sit bones are now straight and level, a stable platform to work from 🧠πŸ’ͺ🏻

Ingenuity is a prerequisite with this work πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŽ“πŸ”§

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