It’s those little bits of history which come to the surface

A client presented after having bilateral shoulder operations over a decade ago. The NHS assigned a physio post operatively, but restricted range of motion, and pain on certain movements has persisted ever since.

It’s disappointing when surgery doesn’t deliver the kind of results you’d hoped for. For the last few months we’ve (its very much a collaborative process) been making incremental progress on their shoulder issues. Pain levels have decreased, RoM has improved and the scars have improved as well.

Things took a turn when when they remembered standing up underneath a thick wooden beam and ‘cracking’ their head on it.
No scars, but a very slight ‘dent’ in the skin just to the right of their crown.
We found two distinct areas of the dent, one where the fascial tissue was over active, the other under. We worked on these and the muscles of the shoulders and neck.

I saw them again this weekend. Things had improved exponentially – no more pain, full RoM, so much so, even their kids had noticed 🤩

It’s the little things which can have the biggest impact. Seemingly insignificant or forgotten ‘minor’ injuries can unlock the seemingly unrelated issues. It’s all relevant 👨🏻‍🎓

Image credit Pexels free

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