Learning how eye movement impacts more than our eyes

What an awesome day of learning. I shadowed a level 3 Practitioner, with the intention of learning through observation of how she approaches and treats her clients. I ended up co-treating on the last client of the day, and some very cool stuff happened.

The lady presented with zero motor control in the anterior and lateral portions of her neck (all front and side muscles switched off) after a head on collision at speed. In fact globally left abduction (muscle which pull her arms and legs away from the body) and right sided adduction (muscles which bring her arms and legs in towards the body) wasn’t working either!

She was clearly suffering from whiplash, but one of the hidden consequences of sudden head movements like this (whiplash, concussion etc) is eye muscle dysfunction.
We tested her eyes and found the left one was a bit of a mess functionally. YThe biggest impact was seen in convergence (used when focusing on things close to the face). Her left medial rectus muscle wasn’t working properly and her left suboccipital muscles were having to take the strain of that – an unusual pattern.
A quick release and activation later, and not only were her eyes able to move correctly, but all of her neck muscles, and the global dysfunctions corrected as well.

The client has about 5 minutes of homework to do twice a day to correct the motor control in the long term and, as with all the homework we assign, it was recorded for her so she could watch it back to make sure she was doing exactly the right thing when she’s on her own.
A great result for the client, of huge neurological impact, and then I did some work on the Practitioner I had been working with all day, but I’ll save that story for another day.

If you, or anyone you know, has suffered from any sudden neck or head movement / trauma, and you have some peculiar aches and pains that don’t seem to be clearing up, let’s talk 😊👍🏻

Image credit unknown

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