Life is good – Dental crown update

It is a joyous occasion when a clients whole deminour improves, reduced pain, positive out look, better colour and posture, standing taller, able to breath easier, and a smile on their faces.
What happened, and why so sudden???

The client was one I had seen a few weeks back with a crown which was causing global dysfunction
They went to their dentist and explained what we had found in clinic. From what was described the dentist was a little disbelieving but give them their dues, they did some testing of their own on the implant, and found it to be slightly elevated (confirming our findings, and the reason for the issues she’s been experiencing). The dentist shaved the raised elements off the implant, and things improved a day or two later.
There’s a little bit of clear up work to do, but things are definitely on the up and up

Image credit Pexels free

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