Lumbar decompression

Back pain can be associated with joints in the lumbar region with have a tendency to remain in a compressed, or even decompress state.

For those with demonstrable compression I often recommend a decompression bench (I am not a fan of inversion tables / boots!!!) as part of their homework routine.
Before the homework is assigned, I demonstrate how to use the equipment, in both set up and use
What’s not always so easy is getting onto, and off of the bench.
In this video I demonstrate a way of making these transitions. You’ll notice I’m also suffering with my back, so this is a true to life demonstration!
[This is for my clients only, and should not be seen as instruction for the general populous. Following these process outlined in this video with proper assessment, or linking up with the rest of the assigned homework may result in injury]

The take home point, is not the specific movements I’ve used, instead your movements relationship to your breathing to ensure your back remains as supported as possible as you transition from one position to another.

If you’d like to discuss your breathing, or any part of this homework video further, let me know.
For more homework tips, have a read of these updated pointers 👉

This does not work with stenosis.

Lumbar decompression

Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.
Lx Decomp

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