Neurological components of scars and their effects

I had a client come in that I’ve been seeing for a while working on a post operative hip scar which has been causing all sorts of gait (walking) issues. We’ve been making excellent progress to date (I say ‘we’, it’s mostly them, as they do the hard bit!)

This time when I saw them, it was like they’d taken several steps back. Whilst they had been doing their homework, they’d also had a really stressful, and physically demanding few weeks at work. The combination of events was triggering dysfunctions which were affecting how they were walking.

The emotional component was causing anxiety – tightness in the chest, shallow breathing etc, and this triggered in the clinic when I asked them to describe what was going on.

We found an overly tight diaphragm which was knocking out the TVA – one of, if not THE MOST IMPORTANT MUSCLE IN THE BODY – IMO 😉
This was easily resolved and the core came back on line.
The again significant limp, was down to a dysfunctional right external oblique, rectus femoris, pectineous, soleus, gluteus medius, piriformis, and left QL.

That’s a LOT of VIM’s (very important muscles). These all linked back to the hip scar …. different locations and different vectors of release to what we’d been working on previously 😳

This can often happen before a scar issue is completely resolved. If your brain feels unsafe – through injury or even fatigue, (as in this case), it will often revert to a pattern of compensation it’s used before when it felt equally or similarly unsafe – post operatively for example.

Whilst we could have just worked on the whole scar – it’s something we can and do do in clinic for cosmetic reasons – in this case we needed to resolve the neurological component first.

We tested the neurological activity along the whole length of the scar and compared it to the muscles we’d identified as dysfunctional.
Releasing the hip scar and activating the under working tissues associated with it, completed the neurological loop to give much better results for the client.

There’s homework to do, and some possible lifestyle choices to make, but we’re over the blip, and back on track 🧠💪🏻

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