No pain, no gain

While exercising, it’s absolutely true that you should push yourself and try to extend the limits of your endurance when safe to do so, it’s not true at all that the best workouts are the ones that leave you feeling horrible, sore, and beat up the next day.
Discomfort is natural and to be expected when you are new to a particular exercise or movement, but pain? Absolutely not.

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🗣 No pain, no gain 🤦🏻‍♂️ NO WAY!

The ‘no pain, no gain’ myth persists because most people associate the idea of pushing themselves to work out harder with pain.

The saying should be something like ‘if you’re not experiencing mild discomfort it’s a pretty easy work out’ but I guess that doesn’t trip off the tongue very easily!

Pain during or following exercise usually suggests an injury, and can occur for a number of reasons.
The most important thing is you stop.
Allow yourself sufficient time to recover, and if it reoccurs get yourself checked out.

Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.

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