Periosteal scarring

Scars don’t just form where the skin has been broken.
Damage to the periosteum and the surrounding fascial tissue can be just as neurologically disruptive as the scars which we can see.

In our final review of super Saturday’s scar marathon we have not one but two 30+ year old fractures from a car accident causing a few issues.

Client presents with a ‘heavy’ right thigh, an achy low back and right knee, crunchy right ankle. Exhalation was causing pain in the mid thoracic region. But the overwhelming feeling was that the whole of the right side feels off somehow.
The primary pattern requiring correction involved the limbic, physiological and structural systems.

We first needed to address congestion in the left external jugular vein. We corrected the limbic issue using a polarity pairing between the left lung and pericardium meridians. Lastly we addressed the structural components – the scars.

The underside of the clavicular displacement fracture required deep pressure in an upward vector using positive polarity, whilst a negative polarity was used to apply a rearward vector to the fracture site on the left pubic ramus. Once cleared we normalised the right QL and pec minor.
The first correction was followed by some cranial work to address the residual breathing issues, whereupon breathing was both fluid and comfortable. Walking felt better and more even. The acid test – stair climbing – was also completed without issue 🤩

The client was understandably very tired after the session, and was looking forward to a nap when they got home.
This is actually often very beneficial, and will frequently ask my clients to listen to their body’s post session. If we’ve done big corrections, they can often need sleep, food , water etc to help them process and integrate what’s happened in clinic.

Scars are kinda my thing. If you’ve got any, visible or not, and wanted to chat, give me a shout.

Image credit Essential anatomy

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