We are all in rehab in one form or another …

My news feed occasionally features more of me (lifting, bending etc) instead of the usual case studies demonstrating the type of work we do in clinic. Twice this weekend, I’ve been asked why that is.

So, for those wondering the same, the answer is threefold:
1 it keeps me honest – I, like most of the people I see have a Rehab story. I have several actually, but the one relevant to my hand / grip work links to being thrown off my bicycle superman style when a car driver wasn’t paying attention. It resulted in an avulsion fracture where the ulnar collateral ligament attached to the metacarpal of the thumb. It required surgery, and whilst the NHS rehab was seemingly effective, I didn’t know what I know now, as a result I have a lot of work to do to keep my hands, thumb and fingers healthy – for the rest of my life. I record what I do, to check my form where appropriate (you shouldn’t use mirrors) and to offer myself and others inspiration to do their rehab, and keep themselves healthy ❤️ (is that three reasons in one?🤔)

2 rehab is a hand intensive business and I’d like to have some longevity now I’ve found a career I’m truly passionate about – it has taken me a long time to find a career where I’m honestly excited to go to work everyday, where work doesn’t always feel like work, and where there are genuinely joyous moments you can share with others. I’m also fully aware the massage business is hard on therapists bodies, in particular their hands. Even if you do watch your posture, use implements or other parts of your body, too many therapists are having to stop, or reduce the work they do because their hands can’t cope anymore. I don’t want to be part of that statistic ❤️

3 the cases I’m dealing with in clinic are increasingly complex, making it hard, or not appropriate to cover in a social media post #RespectForPrivacy ❤️

I hope this helps answer some of those with questions 😍 if not, just know that being strong makes you a badass 💪🏻🤘

Have a great day, do something you love – it’s Sunday, so hopefully you don’t have work, and be grateful I don’t post videos of my breathing drills 🤣 Now that would be boring!

Steel bending – Hardware store nails and certified blue nails


Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better. 2019 08 04


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