Sciatica ?

We’ve talked about sciatica before, but this week has been a very sciaticy kind of a week!

True sciatica is felt in the lower limb. Pseudo sciatica is felt in the buttock and / or thigh. Lumbar rediculopathy originates from the back and works through the butt and down. Theres a big difference in treatment regimens, so although they all get grouped together as ‘sciatica’ it’s important to know which of these is occurring.

We then have the body’s coping strategies to consider. Today I treated an eye dysfunction to clear a clients long standing ‘sciatica’, a couple of days ago, I treated another clients pelvic ligaments to resolve their ‘sciatica’. I’ve also treated an imbalance of Obturator internus left to right to resolve someone else’s ‘sciatica’, and at the start of the week I had to send a client to his GP for an MRI referral as his ‘sciatica’ looked more like a major disc prolapse.

Understanding the body’s amazing ability to compensate for dysfunctions being experienced, and the varying causes of sciatica and it can be a minefield trying to self treat or even use Dr Google.
I understand many will want to try to get some relief, initially. But if that doesn’t work, lets get assessed and treat accordingly 👨🏻‍🎓👍🏻

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