Symphysis Pubic Disorder #SPD often referred to as Pelvic Girdle Pain #PGP affects an estimated 25-30% of women through pregnancy.
In clinic we have a great level of success in the management and reversal of symptoms during pregnancy. Birth can, on occasion, cause the symptoms to return however. The baby passing through the birth canal, an inability to strengthen the surrounding musculature and hormone levels not returning to ‘normal’ immediately after birth can all contribute to this.

A client presented in clinic with stiff hip joints causing an altered gait and unable to walk without pain.
Working with ligaments can be a limbicly trigger process, more so when the hormone profile is so skewed.
Carefully working on the ligaments of the pelvis front and rear improved not only the gait pattern, but also enabled some minor bouncing without issue, the rehab continues 🤩


Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.

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