Spot the hernia …

Client presented with a hernia the size of a small fist just above their colostomy bag. Not the easiest to treat, as it’s an open ‘scar’ but compromising their ability to generate and maintain intra abdominal pressure (IAP), and therefore causing some shoulder discomfort they were still getting.

How did we achieve these results in just one session?

We treated the open scar, using the clinics own highly effective scar protocol, and activated specific parts of the transversus abdominis. We the addressed an overactive portion of their external oblique which had been picking up the slack for the ipsilateral internal oblique. Finally we calmed a localised sympathetic response around L1 (possibly related to the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves?) before retesting all muscles and IAP.
Great results, but neither the client nor I are under any illusion this is resolved. There is a great deal of homework to do in order for the motor control centre to store this movement pattern, and for the abdominal contents to remain within the abdominal cavity going forwards.

Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.

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