Stoma scarring contributing to lower back pain, and pelvic tilt

A client presented for a check up. They were feeling good, and the work we’d done previously was still holding, their range of motion was still good, they were pain free, and were sleeping better.

They’d been having a few minor niggles in the low back region, so we dived into to some testing, and sure enough, the lowest portion of the lumbar extensors weren’t working properly.

Doing some work around the stoma scar site allowed things to return to normal. Pain gone, strong testing, and the pelvic orientation returned to normal once they were walking around to integrate the work we’d done.

Abdominal surgery can leave lots of internal scarring, worse if there are multiple operations, and or the site remains open (unable to heal). It’s always better to get surgery sites checked out to avoid longer term complications which don’t always appear linked to the surgery’s themselves.


Client image


Scars are the result of damage though trauma whether it be incident / accident or surgery. 

And the effects on the sensorimotor system can be dramatic! 

Why? Well, from a purely structural point of view, the fascia is altered and distorted during the trauma and because the fascia acts like a skeleton to the nervous system, this disrupts the proper flow of electrical energy, particularly if the scar has is traversing a meridian or acupuncture point. Adhesions also affect the nervous system directly and therefore motor control often suffers as a consequence. 

Just like an iceberg, only 10% is visible from the surface, and just because time has passed since the trauma, it doesn’t mean your nervous system has ‘reset’ itself back to ‘normal’ (optimal).

In clinic we investigate and unravel the resultant dysfunctions in the soft tissues, so that you can get your life back on track.

If you’ve got any scars (including tattoos, puncture sites, breaks or tears) and suffering with aches and pains, even if they seem unrelated, drop me a line and we can talk. If in doubt, get it checked out 👨🏻‍🎓


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