The turkey incident

It shall, for ever more, be known as “the turkey incident” 🧐
You know how it is, when you’re catering for a large number of people, you need an impossibly big bird, 🦃 which, if you’re lucky will just about fit in your oven. That’s how today’s case review started.

As they were trying to turn the bird half way through the cooking process, it slipped, jamming their thumb / wrist area between the bird and oven door (thank the heavens for oven gloves!).
The easiest option would have been to have dropped the bird, but that would have ruined dinner 🍗😳
The resultant dysfunction caused a lose of grip, and strength in the wrist. Things had been slowly getting worse over the following weeks, until they had to admit it wasn’t getting better by itself, and told me.

It turned out the trauma to the MCP joint had caused the neurology to down regulate its use, in an attempt to keep it safe (to heal). Unfortunately whilst still trying to maintain normal function and mobility, the wrist -the radial collateral ligament – was over working.

Five minutes of corrective work, homework assigned, recorded on their phone so they knew exactly what to do for their homework and two weeks later 98% resolved.

Turkey 0:1 Rehab Practitioner 🧠💪🏻

I like the easy ones too 😉👨🏻‍🎓

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