Twisted ankles and their affect on the rest of your body

I’m often asked why I’m always looking at peoples ankles, when their symptoms are elsewhere. The answer is, often there is a kinetic chain issue indicated.
As an example I had a client come in the other day with unilateral neck pain. Upon further exploration their lower back and same side knee hurt too. What do these things have in common?
They’re all part of the same kinetic chain, and these global effects were being driven by a previously twisted ankle. We corrected the ankle issue, then only minor work was needed to resolve the other global issues.

Almost all ankle sprains are caused by a twisting of the foot which overstretches and can tear the ligaments on the outside of the foot. Ligaments take a long time to heal, and in order to regain full functionality other structures around it need to be strengthened. Rehabbed or not, recovery typically takes between 3-12 months – much longer than how long it takes for the pain to wear off!

A twisted ankle which isn’t rehabbed properly will often result in foot pronation as the brain tries to keep the body ‘safe’ and moves weight away from the outside of the ankle. Consequently the body’s compensations often result in some or all of the following – inner knee pain, hip and pelvis issues, low back pain, mid thoracic, shoulder and / or neck pain.
Rehabbing the ankle first gives the body back its stability, which help the brain and nervous system feel ‘safe’ allowing correction of the other compensatory patterns in a much more efficient manner.

Very often these initial injury’s go without appropriate rehabilitation for years (decades) and can eventually leading to a bunion forming as the foot desperately attempts ever more drastic measures to provide stability.

Correcting these issues often requires a great deal of client compliance when it comes to their homework. Cooperation, and a willingness to understand how and why your body works the way it does are key to an effective (and efficient) treatment plan.

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