What do you do?

A lot of people ask me what I do, particularly when they’ve had to try and explain what I’ve done to their friends or colleagues.

More often than not the thing which confuses people is when I use a specific type of neuromuscular testing as a means of accessing the motor control centre, so we (it’s a participation based treatment) can interact with the brain and facilitate the changes the body needs.

This helps explain why things like a light touch to a surgical scar, can switch your entire intrinsic and extrinsic core on, and your back pain disappears, even though you may have been struggling for years.

Release and activation is a central theme to one approach. Our muscles, joints and fascia all work in relationship with one another, thus we never just strengthen a muscle without first releasing its facilitator.

If you want to know more, or want to talk about the other treatment modalities I use, just give me a shout 👍🏻

Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.

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