When you finish your rehab

When you get signed off from clinic I always advise doing both the 9090 and spinal breathing drills 2 to 3 times a week so that you can evaluate how your breath and therefore nervous system is doing.

What we are essentially looking at, is whether or not you can regulate your breathing properly.
Any dysregulation or aches and pains when doing either breathing drill indicates there is an issue somewhere within your body.
This information allows you to either work on that yourself with drills you’ve used in past homework (videos on the YouTube channel) or if you don’t feel confident exploring those yourself to book into clinic before things become more problematic.
It also has the advantage that it helps maintain the coordination and strength within your ‘core’, integrating all of your diaphragms.

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Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.

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