Which is the best pillow for me?

I get asked about pillows a great deal, especially from people with neck and, or shoulder problems.
Those with shoulder problems find it particularly tricky to get comfortable if they’re side sleepers.

Whilst I would always encourage people to sleep in a different position each night/ throughout the night, I’m also eminently aware of how difficult this is.

So I have two ‘go to’ products which tend to work out well for most people.
For the ‘standard’ neck stuff I like the D core pillow – it comes in two sizes so getting the fit just right for you / your pillow cases is straight forward.
Bizarrely it is cheaper to order it from the US and ship over, than it is to buy it in the UK.

For those with shoulder issues, I’m a big fan of the MedCline Shoulder Relief Solution (wedge and support pillow) – with the blue line.
Not easy to get hold of, as they don’t ship to the UK, but if you have friends / family in the US, this may be the ideal option for you.

With all this in mind, please be aware, the best pillow for you is the one which works for you. That might be these designs or something completely different. Unfortunately it is often a case of trial and error, but hopefully this will give you a starting point. The MedCline pillow is also available fro hire from the clinic .
Obviously it should be stated doing your rehab exercises is also key to resolving most issues 😉

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