
Working on a laptop

| Reminders

I’ve a few clients who are busy executives, always on the run, and little time to think about their posture. And like many home workers now, that means lots of time at the desk, and more time at the laptop in the evening (normally on the sofa!) having a major impact on your neck and…

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Do you suffer from adrenal fatigue?

| Reminders

Answers to seemingly random questions I often ask about sleep quality / disturbances or levels of exhaustion can provide a wealth of information, and often a direction which needs further investigation. If you’re suffering sleep disturbances for no apparent reason, waking up tired, or struggling to get off to sleep, fatigue, feel light headed when…

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FitNash Concussion Protocol (c)

| Reminders, TX - Cranial / Head

There’s a whole protocol we use in clinic for concussions – cranial work and spinal breathing are just a part of it. Something as seemingly harmless as standing up under a cupboard door, or whiplash should still be considered to have caused a traumatic brain injury (tbi) until proven otherwise (yes, even if A&E have…

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Home working and DSE Assessments

| Reminders

As lockdown eases, many are returning to work. But many employers are also realising, now the initial ‘bumps’ have been ironed out, that home working is a viable option for many. Pulling on 5 years of experience as an occupational health advisor, I was excited to be able to help this client select an appropriate…

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Long covid

| Client Cases, Reminders

I’m not going to lie, truly amazing things can happen in clinic, but what you do outside of clinic has as much to do with your longer term rehabilitation. Never has this been more obvious than with the increasingly prevalent – LONG COVID. The definition of long Covid has changed as the pandemic has developed,…

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The power of the internet

| Client Cases, Reminders, Techniques

Remote sessions sound a little off the wall, but if you’ve had a treatment with me, you‘ll also know this is where the best work can be done. I’ve just finished another session with this incredible lady (in Canada). Awesome work, great things achieved, and feeling very happy to be back working again ❤️❤️❤️ Experience…

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Help with breathing

| Reminders, TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

Theres a lot of fear, anger, frustration and angst around at the moment. I’d encourage you to engage with your breath. Don’t ignore what you’re feeling, let it sit with you for a bit, surrender and ‘feel the feels’ as they say 🙌 This weeks video round up has been all about working with and…

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Your rehab at home (homework)

| Reminders

When we injure ourselves, the brain adapts to the injury, and creates new movement patterns to avoid the pain (compensations). Once these patterns have become ingrained, it takes some effort to change them. In clinic I can help you identify what’s going on, how to repattern the dysfunctional movement patterns, to create, or reestablish the…

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Ice that injury

| Reminders

To ice, or use heat on that injury??? It’s often misunderstood, and often mis-prescribed, should you use heat or cold on injuries? The evidence / guidance has changed in the intervening years since the Rest Ice Compression Elevation was first brought to the Rehabilitation world in 1978 by Dr Mirkin (Little Brown and Co., page…

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