TX – Scars

Why do we work on scars?

| How we work, TX - Scars

Why is it often necessary to work on scars? Whether caused by injury, surgery, or burns, scars can often feel like a disfigurement and be uncomfortably tight, itchy or painful. Scars can be more noticeable if they protrude or are depressed compared to the surrounding skin, they lack orientation, pull on other structures or differ…

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No expiry date on scars

| TX - Scars

What do a retired individual who got T boned in their car, a dressage competitor in their twenties who had their horse stand on their foot, and an under sixteens county level rugby player have in common? (apart from coming to my clinic in the last week 😉) 🍖 Broken / fractured bones 😳 Not…

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Can cannula’s cause issues?

| TX - Scars

Cannulas can be tricky at the best of times, but you’d better believe there’s been trauma when your arm looks like this! Some very gentle scar and lymphatic work and things are on the road to recovery 👍 Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better,…

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