TX – Neck & Eyes


| Latest News, TX - Cranial / Head, TX - Neck & Eyes

Vertigo is a truly horrible and disabling condition. Symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, headaches, sweating, tinnitus in addition to feeling like they’re spinning, tilting, swaying etc. When vertigo doesn’t respond to the Epley manoeuvre, or similar, looking at a clients history is a good place to start. Any history or tightness / discomfort at the…

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Twisted sister

| TX - Neck & Eyes

After attending a conference in London a client presented with restricted neck mobility, looking to the side and down was very restricted and looking up wasn’t great either, lugging a brick of a laptop with its failing battery probably didn’t help much either. After rushing across London and arriving late they didn’t want to make…

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A pain in the neck

| TX - Cranial / Head, TX - Neck & Eyes, TX - Pelvic Floor

A client presented in clinic with chronic bilateral neck and shoulder pain. They had occasional headaches, and minor continence issues since the birth of their last child. They would get coccyx discomfort when they sat working at their laptop for prolonged periods at work. This also seemed to be the trigger for the neck and…

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It’s whiplash season

| TX - Neck & Eyes

Yep, that’s right it’s whiplash season 😱 Late summer / early autumn (and spring time) when the sun is low in the sky as people are driving to and from work is prime time for a whiplash incident. Obviously if this happens to you, there are all sorts of cervical (neck) and extraocular compensations that…

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Neck and shoulder pain from riding?

| TX - Neck & Eyes, TX - Shoulders, Arms, Wrists & Hands, TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

Pain and discomfort across the top of the shoulders and lower neck when riding your road or mountain bike? It could be your Serratus posterior superior is part of the problem – it’s an accessory muscle of inhalation. Correcting breathing issues, optimising inspiration and expiration patterns, can have such a profound effect not only in…

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| TX - Cranial / Head, TX - Neck & Eyes

VERTIGO – a truly horrible and disabling condition. Symptoms can include nausea, vomiting 🤮, headaches, sweating, tinnitus in addition to feeling like they’re spinning, tilting, swaying etc. In many case, where inner ear and brain issues have been ruled out, this is eminently treatable. Eye, jaw and breathing dysfunctions as well as local muscle dysfunctions…

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