

| Testimonials

So grateful for my clients, new and old. Feedback is always appreciated ❤️ Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.

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Unprovoked coccygeal pain

| Testimonials, TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

Client presented with severe coccygeal pain. No trauma, falls etc, woke with it one day, and had got progressively worse ever since. Was now unable to sit comfortably, and laying down could only be done on their side. In clinic we discussed their recent and distant history. We investigated, prioritised and treated. We created space…

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Testimonial – Caesarian Section

| Latest News, Testimonials

So pleased to have received this testimonial for the work done on a C section scar 🙏🏻 “I have been seeing Marcus for 6 sessions for work on my C-section scar and post pregnancy core work. After a difficult period with fertility issues and then a complicated pregnancy and birth resulting in an emergency C-section…

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