
Client Feedback

| How we work, Testimonials

‘Marcus came into my life in February 2018 ~ a Rehabilitation Practitioner, was he worth it ? I can confirm that he definitely was. I was diagnosed with a Cavernoma last year sympomatic with headaches from hell, compounded with shoulder and neck pain. In the second appointment with Marcus, I found that heaven was a…

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Client feedback

| Testimonials

I often ask people to share their experiences whenever I sign someone off, or move them to a maintenance programme. Sometimes things take a little longer than hoped to resolve, but it’s heartwarming to hear how much people grow and understand about themselves over this time 😊. It’s all good stuff for making sure they…

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Client feedback

| Testimonials

It’s been a tough few days in the office, so it was heart warming to receive this feedback / testimonial from a lovely client of mine 🙏🏻 “ Marcus is ****ing amazing!! Can I say that? Hope so… I first went to Marcus feeling utterly broken! He asked me how I felt and I said…

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Client feedback

| Testimonials

This lady has worked SO hard, and over come SO much in the short time we’ve been working together. It’s amazing to receive such glowing feedback, but the real joy comes from seeing the changes they’ve been able to make in their own lives ❤️ TESTIMONIAL Marcus is a professional at the ‘top of his…

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Client feedback

| Latest News, Testimonials

Feeling very blessed, had some lovely feedback being written for me recently. Massive thanks go to the people who have trained and nurtured me over the years, but also my 👉🏻 amazing clients 👈🏻 who trust me to do everything I can to help them, no matter how peculiar it might seem at the time…

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Client feedback

| Testimonials

Just had a client call to say they’ve cancelled their appointment with the pain clinic, as they don’t need it any more. Not bad for three sessions in ❤️ #GreatFeedback 🧠💪🏻 2018 03 08 Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live…

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Coccyx pain

| Testimonials, TX - Pelvic Floor, TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

Client presented with severe coccygeal pain. No trauma, falls etc, woke with it one day, and had got progressively worse ever since. Was now unable to sit comfortably, and laying down could only be done on their side. In clinic we discussed their recent and distant history. We investigated, prioritised and treated. We created space…

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