
Collaborative working

| Client Cases, TX - Scars

I love collaborative work. I’ve worked with all sorts of practitioners when co caring. But things get really interesting when there are two practitioners in the room at the same time. I’ve done this before with one of the psychotherapists I work closely with for a lady who had a particularly traumatic C section, and…

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When nothing goes right, go left

| Client Cases

There are times, frustratingly that I can not completely resolve what’s going on for people. Oftentimes sessions will go well, HW is assigned and being done, and after things improving initially, they can plateau without fully resolving the issues long term despite everything working at the end of the sessions. At these points, a frank…

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Motor Control and how it presents in your pain

| How we work

[Muscle and tendon] Pain does NOT equal injury, but rather cortical inhibition and altered motor control. There are some smart cookies out there 😉👍🏻 Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.

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Leaky Gut

| Reminders

I’m in Salisbury today at one of my remote clinic sessions. Over lunch I was talking to the host about emotional eating, as it’s something I’ve noticed myself doing a fair bit recently. They also have a habit of emotional eating, and not knowing when they’re full even if it’s not emotionally related, so we…

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Hierarchy of movement

| TX - Scars

Essentially the hierarchy of movement control starts with the limbic system, think emotional need / response / reaction – see my bucket post for how your motor control can get highjacked by your emotions etc. Then the cerebrum, this looks after all the stuff like running, playing tennis, catching or driving etc, so that you…

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Can I go back to doing what I did before?

| Client Cases, Reminders

“Can I do **[insert chosen physical activity]** after it’s (the thing causing the problem) been sorted” I get asked this a lot. A gymnasts belly button ring that’s been causing issues – maybe once the dysfunction is resolved. A cyclist whose neck extensors were knocking out their SIJ – for sure, if you work on…

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The Leaky Gut Protocol

| Client Cases, Reminders

I was having a conversation with one of my clients about the Leaky Gut Protocol I had suggested to help with their symptoms. One statement stuck with me: “ it isn’t for the faint of heart, but it does work! “ So true!!! Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction,…

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move more to maintain your independence

| Reminders

This is pretty self explanatory (and shocking really!). Move more to stay healthy and maintain your independence. Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better, move better, to live better.

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