
Touch here

| How we work

Why does it work when I touch here, but not when I’m not? 🤔 It’s a question I get asked a lot! 👨🏻‍🎓 👉🏻 The points, or TL’s(therapy localisation) which make things work are specific, and they’re specific to you and your issues, either because of trauma, (which is why history is so important) or…

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Can cannula’s cause issues?

| TX - Scars

Cannulas can be tricky at the best of times, but you’d better believe there’s been trauma when your arm looks like this! Some very gentle scar and lymphatic work and things are on the road to recovery 👍 Experience the difference – A refreshingly different approach to pain and dysfunction, so you can breathe better,…

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Ever broken a bone?

| TX - Scars

Ever broken a limb? Or any bone for that matter? Fractures, breaks or chips … It can be pretty uncomfortable waiting for the bone to heal with far reaching biomechanical consequences to boot. When working with broken, fractured, or surgically altered bones, it’s important to evaluate the periosteum as well as any externally visible or…

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Am I an energy worker?

| How we work

As a therapist, we work with people in specific ways. When you’re in need you look for a therapist which matches what your perceived needs are. As we take more courses (hopefully) our understanding and insight grows, and so to our methodology develops, adapts and changes as well. As a bodyworker I’ve been through several…

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When bugs bite

| How we work, TX - Scars, TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

🌞 A scorching bank holiday means everyone’s in their gardens, for some it marks the start of a DIY project, for others, a time to relax and enjoy the vitamin D production. It’s also a favoured time of the pesky critters that like to take a nibble. Some tolerate this more than others. An interesting…

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