TX – Spinal, Torso, Breathing

How do you breathe?

| TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

Many people I see are unaware they are breathing through their mouth the majority of the day instead of their nose. For the vast majority of people, breathing through the nose is the most optimal way to breathe. Nose breathing has been shown to increase circulation, reduce anxiety, improve lung health, boost brain function, has…

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What does it mean when you belch?

| TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

Belching – polite in some cultures, but when a returning client came in with uncontrolled belching every time they rotated to the left, severe pain across the whole of their back every time they reached forwards, and suffering from reflux, they were understandably uncomfortable with it all. Using NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) we were able to…

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Back pain

| TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

QOTD: There are two things people with low back pain shy away from – movement and loading. What are the two things people with low back pain need most? Strength training (loading) and directed mobilisations (movement) in all planes. You see where the problem exists …. its also why I crested the Rehab Lab! Experience…

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| TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing (slow abdominal breathing) is something you can do anytime and anywhere to instantly stimulate your vagus nerve and lower stress responses associated with “fight-or-flight” mechanisms. Done with a few additional steps it’s also great to improving your core and linking (normalising) your respiratory and pelvic diaphragms = less chance of leakage 😉 Breathe…

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Nasal Breathing

| TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

Many people I see are unaware they are breathing through their mouth the majority of the day instead of their nose. For the vast majority of people, breathing through the nose is the most optimal way to breathe. Nose breathing has been shown to increase circulation, reduce anxiety, improve lung health, boost brain function, has…

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