TX – Spinal, Torso, Breathing

Bucket theory – EMF

| Client Cases, How we work, Latest News, TX - Cranial / Head, TX - Neck & Eyes, TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

We’ve discussed before how various things can affect our musculoskeletal system – and how the true cause isn’t always what’s going on with the muscles themselves! In clinic we deal loosely with three main areas, the limbic system, the physiological systems (endocrine, peripheral nerves, circulatory systems etc) as well as the structural components (muscles, tendons,…

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Can we take a moment …

| Reminders, TX - Spinal, Torso, Breathing

Hi 👋 how are you doing today? Can we take a moment, not later because it never comes, but now, just a few minutes, just for you 😊 Find somewhere you can sit, lay or even stand comfortably. Somewhere safe where you block out your distractions. Focus on your breath, the rise and fall of…

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